Friday, June 09, 2006


Retired a Week

It's Friday, so I've officially been retired for a week. Just arrived at the Raccoon Mountain Caverns and Campground in Chattanooga, Tennessee. We will be here for three nights, and plan to visit Lookout Mountain, Ruby Falls, the Incline Railroad, Rock City and other area attractions.

Drove just under 200 miles today from Pine Mountain, Georgia, where we spent our first two nights on the road. Although we're out of shape, Carol and I managed a 4.3 mile hike yesterday on the Dowdell Knob Loop in FDR State Park. The trail was not as scenic as we had hoped, but we got good exercise anyway. Was forced to think of work half way through the hike -- when a toad unexpectedly crossed our path.

We also toured the Little White House in Warm Springs. Carol, complete with dark glasses, posed for a picture as a mock Secret Service Agent at the guardhouse.

We saw a short film about FDR with clips from the 1930s and 40s. There was one clip of his "day of infamy" speech to the joint session of Congress -- while I've heard the audio before, this is the first time I've seen it with video.

We have WiFi access at this campground, so will plan to update again Sunday night with news of our activities in Chattanooga.

Was forced to think of work half way through the hike -- when a toad unexpectedly crossed our path.


Oh, and mom is a pretty swank secret agent, disguised as a tourist in a yellow shirt, instead of the black which just makes you stand out in a crowd.

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